Friday, December 2, 2011

What would be an effective slogan in promoting family planning/birth control in the Philippines?

In an effort to curb population boom, the government will now intensify its nationwide campaign to educate adults and adolescents about birth control. Related to this, they are seeking the help of YAP citizens to come up with a catchy slogan to ensure the success of the program. Can you help in this endeavor?|||A CONDOM OR DIAPERS

IT IS YOUR CHOICE.|||take care

don't pull your goal keeper

punt now, and you win later

don't get caught without your rain coat

don't fool around, but if you do, don't be a fool

if you can't wait to have sex, you can still wait to have kids.

if you are too childish to use caution, you are too childish for sex

if you don't know how not to get pregnant, you have no buisiness doing it

children are a blessing. you can be blessed at a later date if you like.|||Don't contribute slaves to American globalization efforts.

Just kidding...

I honestly have mixed feelings about the government's role in dampening population growth. I'd rather that the government stay out of people's lives, quite honestly.|||"huwag ikaw patong

kung walang pantalon

itago ang talong

wala ka naman datong!"

approximate translation: if you can't afford it (big families), keep your pants zipped!|||Pag umakyat sa kanan

bumaba sa kaliwa

huwag hihinto sa gitna.|||"Have at least one tooth extracted because kapag wala kang ngipin, WALA KAN-TOOTH!"|||Plan now, enjoy later.|||"Once is Enough


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