Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Does anyone have a good slogan for a class council treasurer?

Hi everyone.

My name is Ian Luo and I want to run for treasurer for my class council. I need a good slogan to go with the whole campaign.

Last year i ran for VP and my slogan was Joe Baiden was good, but I know someone better...

And now i need something amazing for this years campaign.|||Its Adam and Eve not Adam and steve..Vote for me!!!|||each American taxpayer now owes over $142,000 just to pay off their fair share of the debt that the Democrats and Republicans have created

you can thank your parents for helping to vote Democrats and Republicans into power so that you can have all this massive debt on your back once you actually start working.

voting either Republican or Democrat is not only voting to bankrupt yourself but it's a vote to flush your future down the toilet because both major parties are political prostitutes and puppets to big money



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