Friday, December 2, 2011

What is a good slogan to put on a billboard warning your city about the depletion of the Ozone layer?

I need a slogan or theme to do about ozone layer and how it can affect lives. I was thinking of doing a mastercard theme or do something like spit out your stirde gum already and stop hurting the ozon or we will find you haha. I know its dumb ,but thats why i need help.|||Think SPF 45 is too thick? Wait until we have SPF 6000 when the Ozone is gone.|||burning oil = burning time (insert picture of globe next to heater on one side and an open fridge on the other)


walking prolongs the future


your planet needs you (insert picture of uncle sam his suit has a pattern of the earth


kill the flatulent cows, before they kill us.|||There is a line which separates life and death on our planet, we call that line the Ozone! Buckle up, its gonna be a bumpy ride.|||Al Gore didn't invent the internet, but DID make up Global Warming.|||no mastercard theme u'd get sued.

how about you thimk its cold now wait a while CFC'S will make it cold so we wont need a/c's OR HEATERS.

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