Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is a good slogan involving my name and me running for class president?

This year i am running for class president for my Junior class and i was wondering what would be a catchy slogan involving my name, Anthony

P.S mention anything that you think would be good to put in my speech to help me get elected|||jr year is so important, and if u get a presidential position it looks so good on ur resume. to ensure ur job on the student council, make sure u present a kick *** speech with great emotion and stir up some excitement! Make your speech lengthy (contrary to common beliefs, the longer ur speech the smarter and more prepared you look for the job) but not too long to make it boring. as for a slogan, maybe Anthony for President! or something cheesy like Anthony can! or Who you gonna call? (anthony!!)) good luck kido ;)|||"i will build a jacuzzi".... :D wasn't there a president called anthony? maybe this can nullify the morronic thing i just told :D|||well my friend tom couldnt think of one either so he put "vote tom, get action ;)"

supprisingly he actually won :) lol so i guess this is one of those last resort answers :) good luckk!!! i hope you winn

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