Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is a good slogan inspiring students to participate in community service projects?

We need a catchy slogan (preferably with some humor) for a poster that would motivate high school students to become active in their communities %26amp; care for others. Thanks! We appreciate the help :]|||Have a pic of someone at the edge of a diving board into a pool that has words like "leadership", "helping others", etc., with a long line of frustrated-looking people standing behind them. The slogan could be like, "Jump in already!"|||Well: here's one "Volunteering would help others that whom

needs Building %26amp; Support for 1 Community with each 1 Child

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see Leadership makes alot of effort so keep Studying !|||Help to change your elder's undies. Remember, they once changed yours.|||"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -margaret mead

that one doesn't use humor, but its one of my favorites. i'll keep thinking!|||Get Involved!

Or else, your parents will do it for you!


Get involved - leave your parents at home.


Do you really want your parents to do it?|||Here are a few of my favorite quotes along that line...

If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.

Betty Reese

I expect to pass through this life but once. Therefore, if there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for another human being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.

William Penn

Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Also...have you seen the movie Pay It Forward? If not, you should definitely check it out! I'm not sure what your school's rules are about showing movies, but that entire movie is about doing for others. If you can't show it, you could at least tell them about it! Good luck! :)|||This doesn't include humor. I like the new commercials that pretty much say "almost helping" is the same thing as "not helping" Please don't almost help! Something along this line!

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