Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is the official slogan or motto of the Toronto Blue Jays?

Do they have a permanent motto, or does it change yearly with advertising? I am painting a Blue Jays coffee table as a surprise for someone, and wanted to put a slogan on it. When I search the web, I get conflicting answers. Thank you for your help.|||Baseball team's don't really have a motto or slogan. If they have one this year its just for advertising|||it's "we blow Cardinal nutz"|||Only the mediocre are always at their best|||Baseball teams don't have slogans. It had to be for a temporary advertisement.|||they have no slogan.|||Whenever I go to Jay's games it's they play with "Hustle and Heart". Every time I see them they play a video before the game of them making amazing plays and it keeps saying the Jays play the 2010 season with "Hustle and Heart". That is sort of their slogan this year.|||Roids=success|||'The Toronto Blue Jays- We use metric and spell things with extra U's.'|||We are mediocre, eh?

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